Marilisa Bradford Ayers

Health & Wellness

Life Coach

Get Started


Founder and Creator of By Design Health and Wellness Coaching Program

My name is Marilisa Ayers.

I am a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. My Coaching Philosophy is best described by the song lyrics: I’m Every Woman, It’s all in Me (I’m Every Woman-Chaka Khan 1978) I believe every person I coach has the answers inside of them….I provide a non-judgemental and confidential environment to draw out those answers.

  • Guidance

    I work in collaboration with people that are ready to make positive lasting change. I listen intently to clients and concentrate on delivering the best thought-provoking questions. Sessions are always client focused; this approach leads to some amazing discoveries.

  • Empowerment

    Your journey will always be your journey, I just help you figure out which path is best in this present moment; help set goals and strategies with built-in accountability as you move towards results and build the best version of you.

I am

  • Life Purpose Health and Wellness - Founder

  • “Women’s Seasons of Life”, “by Design” and “Why to WOW!” - Coaching Curriculum Author

  • Certified Health and Wellness Coach

  • Certified Life Coach

  • International Coaching Federation - Candidate

  • Integrative Health and Wellness Studies - Current Student

  • Yoga Therapy (300 Hour Certificate) - In Progress

Lets Work Together

Do you need a change? A shift in direction? Or Determine which way to pivot?


Here are some thoughts and kind words. I am humbled to have had the opportunity to work with them each.

Words that come to mind when I think of Marilisa are Resilient, Resourceful, and Respected. I met Awyken Life Purpose Coach Marilisa, while we were training to become coaches. She has a brilliant mind and a welcoming disposition. What strikes me about Marilisa is the intensity of Lifeforce coming through her. She is full of wisdom, and She listens with a caring heart. She gets life and knows how to maximize every moment. Marilisa is a value-added in every way. I thank God for Marissa's heart of compassion for all.

Omar A. Muhammad

Pastor, Th.M

Marilisa is very insightful. She has helped me discover some of my strengths, which has made a positive impact in my career as a life coach.

Cliff Wright

The Quarterback Daddy Life Coach

Loved, Marilisa is a compassionate and deeply perceptive individual with a rare ability to listen deeply and understand beyond words. She brings warmth, encouragement and insightful guidance to every conversation, helping you feel seen, heard and cared for. Through her guidance she will gently led you through life's most challenging moments and help you find strength to overcome the barriers that have previously held you back, and rediscover a life filled with joy and meaning.

Dr. Shari D. Scott, PsyD

Speaker/Author and Coach

Marilisa is a Powerful Woman of God who is a loving , giving, and a fighter! She has unwavering Faith, a force to be reckoned with. Marilisa has turned her "Trauma into Triumph", she is one of God's Special Possession's! The Best Is Yet To Come!

Sheila Hadassah Smith

Minister/Author/ Awkyen Life Coach


Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem sint consectetur velit

Rachel Brouzes

Web Developer

Rachel Brouzes

Web Developer

Esther Carrillo

Small Business Advisor

Esther Carrillo

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David Kobelin

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David Kobelin

Identity Restoration Specialist, ClarityCoach

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

According to The National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching: Health and Wellness Coaches partner with clients seeking self-direct lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and thereby, enhance well-being. In the course of their work health and wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief that in their capacity for change and honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.

What types of Coaching do you offer?

I offer private and group coaching opportunities.

Do you have a free Coaching Session?

No. However, I am available for a 10-minute free no-obligation Clarity phone call.

How are your sessions delivered?

Virtual or phone.

How do I contact you between sessions?

Defined in Coaching Relationship Contract.


Let’s have an introductory call and see if we are a good fit. I am available for new prospects and offer an initial 2 hour conversation.


We servce clients World Wide! Remote and Virtual service.

Call Us

(714) 823-7413

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